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Cammarata -San Giovanni Gemini

Your next destination in Sicily in the Sicani mountains

A mountain of excellence
Pasticceria Giambrone

Also for takeaway

Pasticceria Giambrone

Pasticceria Giambrone

What do we think

The Gelateria Pasticceria Giambrone is an unforgettable culinary experience. The ice cream produced with the highest quality ingredients and the kindness and professionalism of the staff make a visit to this place a pleasant and relaxing experience. The Giambrone family has been carrying on the culinary tradition with care and dedication for many years and this is reflected in the taste of the ice cream. I highly recommend trying this ice cream shop for a delicious experience.

Via Omero, 21, 92020 San Giovanni Gemini AG, Italia

Tel.: 0922 909912


00:00 - 00:00

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Closing day:



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San Giovanni Gemini
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